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Rules - Tug of War

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  1. “Run what you brung and hope you brung enough!” Tug-of-war is just for fun!

  2. Each truck will be hooked together via a chain that has a center mark in the middle. The center mark of the chain is lined up with a tape or paint line that has been marked by a Track Official on the ground.

  3. Upon the track official signal the trucks will tug of war and the first truck to pull their opponents entire truck across the center line on the ground will be declared the winner.

  4. Only 1st and 2nd place awards are given for Tug of War.

  5. In the event that the tug of war competition may need a losing competitor to come back and compete based on an un-even bracket, each losing competitor from the previous round will be asked to pick a number. Who ever comes the closest to the number that the track director has previously determined will be admitted back into competition to fill the bracket by luck of the draw.